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Parent HUB

Here are all the links you'll need as a parent.


Did you know we send out a letter every Friday which includes a newsletter. If you have a quick read of this, you'll be up to date on everything going on in the school.


If you want real time updates, follow our social media accounts!





Google Classroom

This is where your child receives homework and useful resources


You can view which lessons your child has. If you have problems logging in contact

Canteen Menu

For menus and price lists

Parent Pay

This is where you pay for any school items including lunches and trips

Trips and Visits

For a list of trips, visits and prices

Mental Health and Wellbeing

For useful resources and contacts. Our Mental Health page is where you can access the 'need to talk' button

Important Dates

Key dates throughout the year, including Parents Evenings, Inset Days and School Shows


Our weekly clubs and fixtures

Reporting an Absence

How to contact the school

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