Reporting an Absence
The best way to report an absence is using our app study bugs.
This saves time for staff and parents!
Other way to Report an Absence
You can contact us by phone OR email:
Send an email to
If this option isn't available, call the school before 8.30am on 01273 558551, Option 1 on the first day of absence and any subsequent days
Late to School
You can contact us by phone OR email:
Call the school before 8.30am on 01273 558551, Option 1
Send an email to
Appointments during the School Day
If a student arrives late for any reason, we will need a note including a reason for lateness. You can contact us by phone OR email OR a note in the student’s planner:
Call the school before 8.30am on 01273 558551, Option 1
Send an email to
Write a note in student’s planner, clearly stating the time and reason for signing out of school
The student will be required to sign in, on the register in the Admin office on their arrival and provide evidence of the said appointment (eg, copies of headed doctors/hospital letters, appointment cards, appointment confirmation texts or copies of prescriptions). NOTE: the absence will remain unauthorised until evidence has been received.
Please try to arrange medical and dental appointments after school whenever possible.
Whenever possible, students must attend lessons before and after any appointment.
Request for Absence
For any absence requests, please complete an Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence during Term Time Form and email the attachment to the Attendance Officer at: or hand it to the Admin Office on the first floor of Cashman building at least two weeks before the planned absence.