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Writer's pictureCardinal Newman Catholic School

Aspire Academy Update

Our Year 12 Aspire academy have been busy over the last few weeks completing lots of exciting activities:

1. Presentations from students- The topics have ranged from 'The real meaning behind your favourite Disney films', to the 'Social impact of the Beatles', to 'Are you more likely to succeed being book-smart or street-smart'?

2. Our Medicine group have been practicing interviewing skills, and have been grilled by the science department.

3. We are building our debating club- which will also include our year 11s(who will be joining us next year in the college)

All of these activities are perfect practice for the world of work or university interviews.

Finally we are welcoming two brilliant guest speaker over the next few weeks. Firstly We have Baasit Siddiqui coming in for our Aspire Academy guest speaker talk on March 20th- you may know him from Gogglebox. His talk is based around i) making the most of opportunities and recognising the ones in front of you, ii) valuing your network and considering strategies that support health and well being, iii) recognising your unconscious bias and how this impacts future opportunities. We also have Matt prodger(former BBC journalist) coming to speak to us. Matt Prodger is a former BBC journalist who now helps to promote understanding of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Identity, Biometrics and Behaviometrics at Mastercard. He is particularly interested in people’s relationship with technology and its impact on society.

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